While typical product replacement cycles may start to buoy the home and housewares industry next year, Joe Derochowski, Circana home industry advisor, outlined opportunities for brands to proactively drive growth and position themselves for success in the short-, mid- and long-term in a keynote session at The Inspired Home Show 2024.
The U.S. Hispanic market represents a growing opportunity to increase home and housewares sales, but the best way to do this is to take the time to learn about these consumers, what they’re looking for, and the best ways to engage with them, said Roberto Ruiz, executive vice president, research, insights and analytics for Televisa/Univision, in a keynote address today at The Inspired Home Show 2024.
Consumers are looking to cope by creating stability and balance in their lives and creatively expressing their deeply held values and styles, said Anna Ward, consultancy innovation lead at TrendBible in a keynote session today at The Inspired Home Show 2024.
Fourteen housewares suppliers ranging from well-established brands to first-time exhibitors were honored as Global Honorees of the IHA Global Innovation Awards (gia) for Excellence in Product Design today.