The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show

March 10–12, 2026 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show
March 10—12 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

Tis the season for cookies. And pie. And cake. And countless other sweet treats.

Consumers may not be baking as much sourdough bread these days, but baking remains a popular pastime throughout the year and especially during the winter holidays.

Nearly 70% of consumers in the 2022 HomePage News Consumer Outlook Survey—commissioned in partnership with the International Housewares Association—said they or members of their household bake at least once a month; 23% said it’s a few times a week.

The Power of Baking

What’s with all the baking? Well first, there’s the delicious end reward. And certainly, baking at home allows you to enjoy items at a fraction of the price at a bakery or restaurant. But there’s also the experience of it. The process of baking has the power to create joy as you tap into your creativity or engage with family members to create those sweet treats. 

In other words, it feeds into one of consumers’ biggest aspirations these days: happiness.

“As pandemic stress recedes, environmental anxiety has worsened,” said Tom Mirabile, principal & founder of Springboard Futures, during IHA’s Connect FALL education event. Consumers right now are looking for feelings of enjoyment and have a really big desire for fun and novelty, he added.

Make It Easy

But it’s important to remember that consumers had the luxury of time during the pandemic baking surge. That luxury is long gone for many, as the hectic pace of work, school and activities is back.

For many consumers, happiness is about ease, said Mirabile. In addition to highlighting positivity and feelings of enjoyment, he advises brands and retailers to emphasize how their products will make cooking and baking experiences easier.

A few small upgrades to a traditional product will go a long way. Case in point: consider the GEFU FLEX Roller, which makes rolling out dough easier to manage thanks to its non-stick silicone surface and smaller size.

Tap Into Trends

There will always be a place for those tried-and-true baking recipes. And yes, nostalgia is big these days, so making Grandma’s famous apple cake may have some appeal. But many consumers are also looking for unique flavors or different takes on popular desserts.

Sweet and spicy flavor combinations are having a moment, as are hand pies and variations on the hot chocolate theme. These Hot Cocoa Bomb Molds from Chef’n offer a fun and unique way to make and flavor your hot chocolate; plus, they can be used for baked desserts, chocolate mousse, truffles and more.

As for materials, aluminum (31%) is the most popular kind of bakeware, according to respondents to the Consumer Outlook survey. Aluminum is followed by glass (23%), ceramic (18%), cast iron (10%) and silicone (8%).


Access the 2022 HomePage News Consumer Outlook Surveycommissioned in partnership with the International Housewares Association—for more insights on bakeware and 14 other home and housewares categories.

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March 4-7, 2023