The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show

March 2–4, 2025 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show
March 2—4 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

If you haven’t been watching the food storage category this year, you might be missing out. Several trends are aligning to make it an area to emphasize in 2024. It’s also a category with good amount of innovation taking place.

Catalina Flores, Euromonitor senior research analyst, told attendees at The Inspired Home Show 2024 that food storage is one of a few home and housewares categories expected to grow this year. Read on to find out what’s driving the growth, and how retailers can capitalize on it.

Making the Most of Leftovers

Inflation may be slowing down, but grocery prices are still high. That’s making more people look for ways to cut back on food waste and make the most of leftovers. And while they may be cooking at home less (or simply heating and eating), convenience is a key ingredient.

Both trends lead to opportunities in food storage, whether it’s containers that help produce last longer or ones that can move directly from the freezer to the oven to the dishwasher. Retailers should also consider unique new options like the FreezeUp® Food Block Maker by YouCopia, which helps form soups, stews and sauces into tidy food cubes, including single portions.

On-the-Go Lifestyle

No one wants to be pinned down these days. Whether it’s work, school or play, consumers are on-the-go and looking for more options for storing and taking meals and snacks with them. Flores said portable beverageware is another category expected to grow this year.

Suppliers have taken this opportunity to get creative with portable food storage options, which is a good area to emphasize in marketing and merchandising. Think items like Salton’s Portable Electric Lunchbox,which eliminates the need for a microwave or oven wherever you’re going, and the Life Story Yogurt Party by Bramli,which keeps yogurt and crunchy toppings separate and also has a built-in spoon.

Sharing with Guests

Apparently it’s not enough to have someone over for a meal! Ninety-five percent of consumers in IHA’s 2024 At-Home Entertaining Survey said they send food home with their guests at least occasionally.

With respondents saying they plan to entertain more at home in 2024 (53% of consumers said they would host about the same number of gatherings in 2024; 26% said they would host more and 16% said they would host less), it’s a trend worth paying attention to. Since this is a situation with no guarantee hosts will get their food storage containers back, they may be looking to add some less expensive storage options to their collection.

    Environmental Concerns

    Over the last five years, 32% of U.S. adults have reduced their use of single-use plastics, according to a PBS News Hour/NPR/Marist Poll last March. While plastic water bottles, disposable razors and straws have probably drawn the most attention here, restaurant to-go containers may be the next frontier… with consumers opting to bring a reusable container of their own from home.

    And even if they accept a single-use plastic container at a restaurant, people may be opting for more sustainable containers at home. Think glass containers like these Easy Clip options from Mepal or even these HIP containers, which are BPA free and upcycled in partnership with OCEANWORKS®  from ocean-bound plastics in developing countries with no existing recycling infrastructure.



    Audio replays for Euromonitor’s session—and all education content shared in the Innovation Theater at The Inspired Home Show 2024—are available online.