Update Your Profile to be Discovered!
Connect 365 offers many ways for you to showcase your company, brands and products throughout the year. Prepare for your brands and products to be discovered by buyers and media. Below are the three most important tasks to keep current.
List Your Brands
Buyers and news media are looking to discover brands and new products related to your brands. Highlight your brands and new products for them to find. There is no limit on the number of brands or products that can be listed.
New Products & Badge Identifiers
Update your Connect 365 profile so buyers and news media can search for new products throughout the year. Be sure to list your products and mark them as “New” if they have been introduced within the last 12 months to be included in the New Product search. Badges identify the categories and characteristics of your company, such as Made in USA, Independent Retailer Friendly, Women Owned and more. Badges are searchable in Connect 365 for additional exposure to buyers and media.
In-Booth Special Events
A special search is in Connect 365 for in-booth events will include these listings. Buyers and news media love a good event! Be sure to add your celebrity appearances, giveaways or demonstrations in your booth at the Show.
IHA’s Digital Marketplace
IHA relaunched the former Housewares Connect 365 platform to Connect 365, IHA’s Digital Marketplace, in May 2021. New features and functionality enhance members’ visual presence on the site, and encourage retailers to browse and gather information based on their individual preferences and profiles.
All Active and Placed exhibitors will have their Connect 365 account activated when they are assigned space. It is critical that you review and update your account so that you can put your best company profile in front of Show attendees.
Learn More About Connect 365!
Digitized Educational Sessions
Attendees — Get a First Look
Connect 365 offers retailers the ability to browse by exhibiting company, brand, product, category or even through topical curated collections. We have added features and functionality that will highlight new products, call out award-winning products, offer video and media assets to review and allow downloads of catalogs and direct contact to exhibiting companies – all while tailoring the experience to the user through dynamic data matching. Take a look at the platform.
Exhibitors — Get Started
IHA’s Connect 365 platform is open for exhibitors to begin populating data. This instructional video will walk you through every step of the process – from managing your company-level information to creating brands, adding products and uploading digital assets.
If you have any questions, please review our webinar and video tutorial.
If you still need assistance, contact your sales representative.