The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show

March 10–12, 2026 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show
March 10—12 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

Exhibitor Services Kit

Exhibitor Code of Conduct


Rules by which every exhibitor must abide

  • Given the reasons for exhibiting at the Show, outside activities or meetings by any housewares company during Show hours that would draw attendance away from the exhibit floor or McCormick Place are prohibited.
  • Exhibiting companies that cancel their booth space and want to attend the Show must cancel their hotel meeting rooms and McCormick Place meeting rooms and re-register as “Non-Exhibiting Houseware Suppliers.” Non-exhibiting companies are prohibited from conducting any meetings including retailer and supply chain meetings, during the Show period, including move-in, Show days and move-out. Violators may be suspended from exhibiting or attending all future Shows. The International Housewares Association (IHA) reserves the right to charge $1,000 per Non-Exhibiting Houseware Suppliers badge and limit the number of badges per company to five (5), solely at its discretion, to enhance the quality and overall experience of the Show for all participants. IHA also reserves the right to make changes, as necessary, to the category of badge registration-type submitted by an individual or company. Should it be necessary to change the registration type after the request has been submitted by any means, a representative of IHA will contact the individual or company and request payment of the amount due. Should a charge be imposed, payment must be submitted in advance of receiving a badge on-site. If payment is not received, IHA reserves the right to cancel all hotel rooms and meeting rooms.
  • IHA reserves the right to charge Non-Exhibiting Housewares Product Suppliers/Non-Exhibiting OEM Factories/Financial Institutions/Investment Companies $1,000 per badge and limit the number of badges per company to five (5), solely at its discretion, to enhance the quality and overall experience of the Show for all participants.
  • IHA reserves the right to charge Trade Guests $100 per badge and limit the number of badges per company to five (5), solely at its discretion, to enhance the quality and overall experience of the Show for all participants.
  • Unauthorized photography of any exhibit or product is prohibited and may result in expulsion from the Show. Unauthorized photography includes videotaping or photographing another exhibitor’s booth or product without the exhibitor’s permission at any time. Exhibitors are required to monitor their own booth areas and should notify IHA or security immediately of any unauthorized photography. Arrangements can be made to have your exhibit photographed and videotaped with the recommended Show photographer. Upon request, IHA will also provide exhibitors with “no photography” signs to be placed in their booth.
  • Authorization to Photograph: By attending The Inspired Home Show and all related events sponsored by IHA, you consent to having your photo / likeness / voice recordings posted publicly and on social media by IHA and The Inspired Home Show, in their sole discretion, for marketing and promotional purposes. You acknowledge that all copyright in and to such photographs and recordings shall be exclusively owned by IHA, and IHA may freely use such photographs and recordings.  You further grant IHA and its affiliates a perpetual, royalty-free, fully paid up, non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable license to use, copy, modify, aggregate, publicly display, publicly perform, process and compile with other information without further notice, consent, or compensation your photo / likeness / voice recordings and biographical/professional information in any and all media and by any and all technologies and means of delivery for marketing and promotional purposes, without further consent from, or any payment or other compensation to, you.

  • Be considerate of other exhibitors. Under no circumstance should you enter any other exhibitor’s display area uninvited or when unattended.
  • Interference with, or disruption of, another exhibitor’s personnel or legitimate activities is prohibited.
  • IHA reserves the right to remove any person engaged in disorderly conduct, in use of illegal substances, in violation of Show policies or in the possession of a counterfeit badge.
  • Exhibitors are not permitted to behave in a manner which, in the sole discretion of IHA, is objectionable. You must comply with all additional rules established by IHA. If you have any questions concerning your exhibit or activities within your booth, please contact IHA.
  • Exhibitors and their company representatives must wear their official identification badges at all times and in plain view while on the Show floor and in meeting rooms. Badges are the property of IHA and are non-transferable. These badges are issued for protection and identification. Badges should not be accepted or worn if they do not accurately represent the exhibitor’s identity or company. IHA reserves the right to assess the authenticity of badges. Do not discard your badges in common areas or facility receptacles. This will prevent unauthorized attendees from assuming your identity to remove product from the Show floor. Badges must be obtained through the Show’s authorized registration company only. Unauthorized badges that are manufactured or copied will be confiscated; violators may be barred from the Show premises. Exhibitors are prohibited from ordering exhibitor badges for anyone other than their company representatives exhibiting in the booth. Exhibitors may not order badges for Exhibitor-Appointed Contractors and manufacturer’s reps. If cancelled companies want to attend the Show, they must register as trade guests.
  • Exhibitors are required to present a photo ID, business card and Show badge to remove a product.
  • Demonstrators must be properly clothed at all times and must confine their activities to their exhibit space. Demonstrations and distribution of promotional materials in aisles and common areas is prohibited.
  • Exhibitor’s sound level shall not be disruptive and/or interfere with the ability of any and all adjacent exhibitors and exhibit areas to exhibit.
  • Any raffles, prize drawings or promotional contests of any kind must be approved by IHA in writing prior to the Show.
  • The selling of product is strictly prohibited.
  • Exhibitors are not permitted to dismantle their exhibits or do any packing before 3:01 p.m. on the last day of the Show. If observed tearing down early, the exhibitor may be subject to a series of substantial fees and/or other penalties including the loss of seniority or expulsion from future Shows.


Follow these steps when exhibitor code of conduct violations occur:

The following is a list of steps for exhibitors to take on-site when they encounter an Exhibitor Code of Conduct violation. Exhibitors are cautioned against taking the matter into their own hands with the use of force or threats of force. There is less exposure for company or personal liability if the matter is turned over to IHA staff and Show Security.

  1. If a violation occurs, such as a theft from the exhibitor’s booth or unauthorized photography of the booth or its contents, attempt to stop the violation by talking to the violator. It is critical to identify the violator and write down the violator’s name and company information. If safely able to, take a picture of violator’s badge.
  2. Immediately contact the floor manager, security personnel or an IHA representative to report the incident.
  3. If the violator attempts to leave the scene before a floor manager, security personnel or an IHA representative arrives at the booth, do not use physical means to restrain the violator. If the violator has not yet been identified, continue trying to do so. This may involve following the violator to see if he or she goes to his or her own company’s booth, which may help later to identify the violator.
  4. When a floor manager, security personnel or an IHA representative arrives at the booth, explain the incident, providing as many details as possible about the violator’s identity, company and violation. Ask for a copy of the Violation Notice or Show Security Incident Report and keep it for future reference in connection with any disciplinary action by IHA staff or IHA’s Board of Directors.
  5. If more information about the violation or the identity of the violator is obtained later during the Show, give it to a floor manager, security personnel or an IHA representative.

IHA Show Management Discretion: IHA retains the right and responsibility to take such steps as it deems necessary or appropriate to maintain and enhance the overall quality of the Show. To this end, IHA shall assign exhibit space; implement, revise and carry out the rules and policies to manage the Show; make discretionary judgments whether product categories or exhibitors should be added or deleted for the overall benefit of the Show, promoting quality and diversity of exhibitors and products; revise floor plans as necessary; add, retain or terminate Show service vendors; determine the Show site; and take such other steps as deemed necessary or appropriate in IHA’s absolute discretion to conduct a world-class Show for the home and housewares industry.