The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show

March 10–12, 2026 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

The World’s Leading Home + Housewares Show
March 10—12 | McCormick Place | Chicago, IL

Exhibitor Services Kit

Important Security Precautions


Protecting Your Property Before, During & After the Show
  1. To improve overall security at the McCormick Place Convention Center, we request that exhibitors and their employed personnel STRICTLY adhere to the installation and dismantle schedules as stated in the Show Guidelines. People should be present at your booth to receive your exhibit material and take inventory. Report any discrepancies to the Security Office at +1-312-791-6615 and to Freeman immediately.
  2. Exhibitors and their representatives must wear their official identification badges at all times and in plain view while on the exhibit floor and in meeting rooms. Badges are the property of IHA and are not transferable. These badges are issued for your protection and identification. Badges must not be loaned or given to other persons and should not be discarded. IHA reserves the right to assess the authenticity of badges. Exhibitors that give their badges to labor personnel, attendees or others to carry product off the Show floor may be barred from exhibiting in future Shows.
    Do not discard your badges in common areas or facility receptacles. This will help prevent unauthorized attendees from assuming your identity to remove product from the Show floor. Also, refrain from bringing Show badges for personnel who did not attend the Show.
  3. Be sure to ship extremely sensitive items in locked trucks or crates. If cartons are shipped, be sure they are banded securely and avoid cartons that identify contents, such as televisions, computers, manufacturer’s name, etc. Loose packages should be black shrink-wrapped whenever possible. Remember to place more important items toward the bottom and in the middle of skids.
  4. Small “one-of-a-kind” items and prototypes should be left in the special security area provided at no charge and located on each exhibit floor. Please visit the security lock-up area within the building you are exhibiting. Sign in your items and leave them with the security guard overnight. Upon arrival the next morning, simply pick up your items and sign them out.(Photo ID is required).
  5. After setup, cover your display each night with fire-retardant cloth before you leave.
  6. Be sure to furnish your shipping company with accurate and complete bills of lading.
  7. If you have special concerns about particularly sensitive items, feel free to make arrangements with Freeman to have the items picked up and transported to their warehouse immediately after the close of the Show.
  8. Designate specific personnel or hire booth security to remain in your booth until the items have been picked up.
  9. During set up and tear down, items like dollies and carts are hot commodities. Please either secure them in your booth, in the complimentary security lock up area or take them with you to prevent theft.


  • Wear badges at all times.
  • Do not give or loan exhibitor badges to anyone, including: day laborers, Exhibitor-Appointed Contractors (EAC) and attendees.
  • Do not discard badges in common areas or facility receptacles.
  • Store valuable items in strong, heavily locked boxes.
  • Take advantage of the complimentary security area(s) on each exhibit floor provided by IHA.
  • Hire booth guard service.


Exhibitors should arrange for insurance coverage to protect your exhibit and product against damage or loss from the time it leaves your premises until it returns. In most cases, a rider can be added to your present policies for a nominal cost. Protect yourself. ACT NOW!


Any precautions that you take are in your best interest. The International Housewares Association, Freeman and McCormick Place/OVG. are not responsible for any loss, damage or theft of merchandise. Nor are they responsible for personal injury to any exhibitor, respective employees, representatives or agents at any time.